Desktop Icon Saver v1.0
Necessity ? |
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This program should be used to save the icons position on the Windows desktop.
It takes all the icon names and their positions saving the information on a file toghether with the Screen resolution.
The position of the desktop icons can be restored from the saved file any time after the saving.
Well, it is not necessary.
But, sometimes, when you upgrade the video card driver or when your favorite game hangs while running
in a lower resolution, all the icons positions on the desktop are messed up.
So, with this software, it is not necessary take some time to organized them. You just need to open it, load a previously saved file and choose the "Restore Desktop" option.
Voilá!! The icons are back to their original positions!!
It saves and restores desktop icons position like any other similar software, but, unlike most of the others:
It is not resident and so, it doesn't use your precious memory and CPU performing pooling
It is small (about 600kb for the exe file)
It is multi-language (English and Português by now)
It can, using the "blindSave" command-line option, silently save the positions at Windows initialization or shutdown
When running as regular Windows application, it can compare the differences between the time when a file was saved and the current desktop status
Author: Fábio lutz
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Sponsor: Hosted at SourceForge
Main Window
It consists in a list of icons each one containing its own status. There are 4 possible status:
New Icon: The icon is in the current destop but it wasn't when the file was saved
Unchanged Icon: The saved position is the same of the current one
Error Icon: The icon about which the information was saved is not on the desktop anymore (removed or renamed, maybe)
Changed Icon: The icon is in the current desktop but in a different position
After the loading of some file, the status bar (at the bottom of application window) shows the amount of each kind of icon.
Below, there is an illustrative screenshot of the main window:

Language Window
The language window is used to change the language of the application. It has a list to perform the language choosing. This list shows the language ID and its description:

Main Menu
The main menu has 3 options:
File - Contains items to Load / Save icon files and Exit the application:

Options - Contains items to Capture the icons from desktop or Restore the desktop icons to their original positions:

Help - Contains the "About" item which is self explanatory, the "Language" item to change the language of the application and an item to activate / deactivate the BlindSave on Windows Startup:

The main feature of the application is to capture/save and load/restore of the desktop icons positions. For these features, it is not necessary further explainations.
Blind Save
This feature allows to run the application silently (that means whithout open any window) in order to perform an automatic saving of the desktop icon positions.
With this feature it is possible to:
Save the icons positions when starting Windows
Save the icons positions on Windows shutdown
Schedule a task on Windows Task Manager to perform the saving at some interval
This feature is activated when starting the application with the parameter "blindSave" as in the example: "DesktopIconSaver.exe blindSave
When the feature is activated, it captures the current desktop icons positions and saves them in a file blindSave.ipl inside the "/data folder.
Setting the Blind Saving feature on Windows startup
Just click on the menu item "Blind Save on Windows Startup". If a "check" symbol appear on left of the item, it will save the icons on Windows startup.
Simple Application File (English only)
Aplication File + Language File (English, Português Brasileiro)
Source Code